Wednesday, January 25

Classroom Behavior System

OK! My page is still under construction. I really wanted to blog about my behavior/management system! Enjoy, friends; happy teaching!

Fair warnings and caveats. This system will cost you money. I don't know how much your sanity is worth, but, it is worth it to me. I spend about 20 bucks a month and my class sizes average 27. Next, this works best with middle school and underclass high schoolers. Lastly, I have created an elaborate system over 10 years! Start small and build up. 

1. Create a space in your room for your points to be displayed and name your system.

Mine is called Think Now! competition. I have it tied to my Think Nows (warm-ups). You will add the points of each class to this space at the end of every day. 


2. There are three ways kids can get points for the class: 

Option A: Doing classroom jobs (attendance taker, greeter at the door, taking the points). START off SLOW, if you do not have classroom jobs already and BUILD UP as you go. On the first day, just have someone take the points. Ask for a volunteer to tally up points and give them a sticky note.

Getting the sticky note to tally points during class

Option B: Completing a Think Now! ( my version of a warm-up). You come into class and get a warm-up (or the greeter passes them out). When the late bell rings, you have 3 minutes to complete your warm-up and someone will collect and put on my desk. I will tell the point taker how many points to add. Were they quiet? Was everyone on time? Did everyone write? "25 points for the Think Now!" "Now, get out your binders and open to page...." Seamless.

Grabbing the basket to collect warm-ups

Option C: The last way to get points (and THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT) is the one that builds a community of learners and friends. Award points throughout the class when you hear things that are AMAZING!

*Sneeze* Bless You - POINT!
I have a pencil you can borrow - POINT!
Can I pass out the papers for you, Miss - 3 POINTS!
I'd like to add on- 10 points!
Oh, this one time in 5th grade, I read a book about that - CONNECTION PLUS 5!

Who can tell the class for 3 points what you learned about Senators?
Wow! What an amazing explanation - 2 more points!
Don't say shut up - Minus 2 points
You were late, next time you will lose your class 10 points. 
Someone re-state the directions to the class for 3 points.
Who can close out class by telling us what you did today for 5 points? (I'll blog about this later).
Thank you for using accountable talk - 3 points!

All this time, the kid taking points has been tallying.

DO NOT PUT UP THE POINTS UNTIL THE END OF THE DAY. Students should not know how many the other classes got, they have a "funny" way of getting a couple more than the one before them. ;0)

I learned this the hard way. lol. 

I average 60 points per class. 

3. VERY IMPORTANT! Your first competition should have a quick turnaround!

Mine are usually every 2 weeks BUT the first one needs to be quick. Kids need instant gratification for stuff like this. Start on a Tuesday and have that one end Friday. Bring in all the treats and keep them out so everyone can see.

Choose two!
Choose two:

Homework passes


Essentially, friends, give a kid a sticky note. Find, search for kids doing good things, pass points out like water (they are fake, remember) and watch kids pick up on those good behaviors. Yes, do they care only about the chips at first. But, keep this up, be consistent and WATCH how they change. How they start sharing out of habit. Saying kind things. Self governing for the better of the group. Wanting to be part of something bigger than themselves.